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This dataset contains data collected by lawyers on convicted Black murderers in the state of Georgia. The goal was to examine whether convicted Black murderers whose victim was white were more likely to receive the death penalty compared to those whose victim was Black, accounting for the level of aggravation of the crime.




A data frame with 12 observations and 4 variables:


Level of aggravation of the murder (integer). Categories range from 1 (least serious) to 6 (most serious).


Race of the victim (factor with 2 levels: "White" and "Black").


Number of cases where the death penalty was given (integer).


Number of cases where the death penalty was not given (integer).


Data collected on death penalty cases in Georgia.


The dataset name has been changed to 'DeathPenaltyRace_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the crimedatasets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'df' indicates that the dataset is a traditional data frame in R. The original content has not been modified in any way.