This dataset contains detailed data from the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) on firearm background checks across U.S. states. It includes monthly data on gun sales, population statistics, and various firearm-related activities from multiple categories.
A tibble with 11,648 observations and 35 variables:
- state
State where the data was recorded (character).
- year
Year of the observation (integer).
- month
Month of the observation (character).
- month.num
Numeric representation of the month (integer).
- population
Population of the state (integer).
- guns_per_thousand
Number of guns per 1,000 people (numeric).
- guns_sold
Total guns sold (integer).
- multiplier
Adjustments for sales data (numeric).
- instore_purchases
Number of in-store purchases (integer).
- permit
Number of gun permits issued (integer).
- permit_recheck
Flag for permit recheck status (character).
- handgun
Number of handguns sold (integer).
- longgun
Number of long guns sold (integer).
- other
Number of other types of firearms sold (integer).
- multiple
Number of multiple gun purchases (integer).
- multiple_corrected
Corrected count of multiple purchases (integer).
- admin
Administrative checks conducted (integer).
- prepawn_handgun
Number of prepawned handguns (integer).
- prepawn_longgun
Number of prepawned long guns (integer).
- prepawn_other
Number of prepawned other firearms (integer).
- redemption_handgun
Number of redeemed handguns (integer).
- redemption_longgun
Number of redeemed long guns (integer).
- redemption_other
Number of redeemed other firearms (integer).
- returned_handgun
Number of returned handguns (integer).
- returned_longgun
Number of returned long guns (integer).
- returned_other
Number of returned other firearms (integer).
- rental_handgun
Number of handguns rented (integer).
- rental_longgun
Number of long guns rented (integer).
- private_handgun
Number of privately sold handguns (integer).
- private_longgun
Number of privately sold long guns (integer).
- private_other
Number of privately sold other firearms (integer).
- privatereturn_handgun
Number of privately returned handguns (integer).
- privatereturn_longgun
Number of privately returned long guns (integer).
- privatereturn_other
Number of privately returned other firearms (integer).
- totals
Total checks conducted (integer).
The dataset name has been changed to 'FBICriminal_tbl_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the crimedatasets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'tbl_df' indicates that the dataset is stored as a tibble, which is a modern form of a data frame in R. The original content has not been modified in any way.