This dataset contains data on traffic fatalities and laws related to drunk driving across U.S. states. It includes information on beer taxes, minimum legal drinking age (MLDA), and other socioeconomic factors observed between 1982 and 1988.
A data frame with 336 observations and 10 variables:
- state
State identifier (integer).
- year
Year of the observation (integer).
- mrall
Motor vehicle fatality rate per 100,000 population (numeric).
- beertax
Beer tax in dollars per gallon (numeric).
- mlda
Minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) (numeric).
- jaild
Indicator for mandatory jail sentence for drunk-driving (Factor: Yes/No).
- comserd
Indicator for mandatory community service for drunk-driving (Factor: Yes/No).
- vmiles
Vehicle miles traveled in billions (numeric).
- unrate
Unemployment rate (numeric).
- perinc
Per capita income in dollars (numeric).
The dataset name has been changed to 'Fatality_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the crimedatasets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'df' indicates that the dataset is stored as a traditional data frame in R. The original content has not been modified in any way.