Interim Data with New Violent Criminal Activity (NVCA)
This dataset contains information related to new violent criminal activity (NVCA) as an outcome. It includes pre-treatment covariates, a binary treatment variable (Z), an ordinal decision variable (D), and an outcome variable (Y). The dataset provides a rich set of variables that can be used to analyze factors influencing violent crime recidivism, with a focus on various demographic and criminal history attributes.
A tibble with 1,891 observations and 19 variables:
- Sex
Sex of the individual (numeric).
- White
Indicates if the individual is White (numeric).
- SexWhite
Indicates if the individual is both White and male (numeric).
- Age
Age of the individual (numeric).
- PendingChargeAtTimeOfOffense
Pending charge at the time of offense (numeric).
- NCorNonViolentMisdemeanorCharge
Non-violent misdemeanor charge (numeric).
- ViolentMisdemeanorCharge
Violent misdemeanor charge (numeric).
- ViolentFelonyCharge
Violent felony charge (numeric).
- NonViolentFelonyCharge
Non-violent felony charge (numeric).
- PriorMisdemeanorConviction
Prior misdemeanor conviction (numeric).
- PriorFelonyConviction
Prior felony conviction (numeric).
- PriorViolentConviction
Prior violent conviction (numeric).
- PriorSentenceToIncarceration
Prior sentence to incarceration (numeric).
- PriorFTAInPastTwoYears
Prior failure to appear in the past two years (numeric).
- PriorFTAOlderThanTwoYears
Prior failure to appear older than two years (numeric).
- Staff_ReleaseRecommendation
Staff release recommendation (numeric).
- Z
Binary treatment variable (numeric).
- D
Ordinal decision variable (numeric).
- Y
Outcome variable indicating new violent criminal activity (numeric).
The dataset name has been changed to 'NVCAdata_tbl_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the crimedatasets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'tbl_df' indicates that the dataset is a tibble in R. The original content has not been modified in any way.