Data of 3000 male criminals over 20 years old undergoing their sentences in the chief prisons of England and Wales.
A table with 42 rows and 22 columns:
- Var1
Factor or categorical variable representing different crime categories.
- Var2
A second factor or categorical variable, potentially representing different classifications such as location, time, or crime severity.
- Freq
Frequency of occurrences within each combination of categories, representing the number of reported incidents for each combination.
The dataset name has been changed to 'crimtab_table' to avoid confusion with other data sets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the crimedatasets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'table' indicates that the dataset is stored as a contingency table, rather than a traditional data frame. The original content has not been modified in any way.