This dataset contains detailed records of homicides that occurred in nine large US cities during the year 2015. The data includes geographic locations, offense codes, and additional metadata, making it valuable for analyzing patterns and trends in urban crime.
A tibble with 1,922 observations and 15 variables:
- uid
Unique identifier for the record (integer).
- city_name
Name of the city where the homicide occurred (character).
- offense_code
Offense code for the homicide (character).
- offense_type
Type of offense (character).
- date_single
Date and time of the homicide (POSIXct).
- address
Address where the homicide occurred (character).
- longitude
Longitude of the location (numeric).
- latitude
Latitude of the location (numeric).
- location_type
Type of location (character).
- location_category
Category of location (character).
- fips_state
FIPS code for the state (integer).
- fips_county
FIPS code for the county (character).
- tract
Census tract identifier (character).
- block_group
Census block group identifier (integer).
- block
Census block identifier (integer).
The dataset name has been changed to 'homicides15_tbl_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the crimedatasets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'tbl_df' indicates that the dataset is stored as a tibble, offering better printing and subsetting capabilities in R. The original content has not been modified in any way.
This dataset provides insights into homicides in urban areas, offering geographic and temporal information for each case.