Florida State Prison Sentencing Counts by County, 1905-1910
This dataset contains information about state prison sentencing counts by county in Florida for the years 1905-1910. The data includes various aggregated statistics such as the population of white and Black residents, the number of sentences, and other demographic and agricultural factors at the county level. The dataset also includes geographic information in the form of simple features (sf) representing county boundaries from the year 1910. The population data for each county has been interpolated linearly between the decennial censuses of 1900 and 1910.
A simple features (sf) object with 47 observations and 9 variables:
- name
Name of the county (character).
- wpop
White population (numeric).
- bpop
Black population (numeric).
- sents
Number of sentences in the county (numeric).
- plantation_belt
Indicator of plantation belt counties (numeric).
- pct_ag_1910
Percentage of agricultural land in 1910 (numeric).
- expected_sents
Expected number of sentences based on population (numeric).
- sir_raw
Index of racial disparities in sentencing (numeric).
- geometry
Geometry column containing the spatial boundaries of the counties (list of simple features).
The dataset name has been changed to 'sentencing_sf' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the crimedatasets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'sf' indicates that the dataset is a spatial object, using the Simple Features format. The original content has not been modified in any way.