Effects of Blood Storage on Prostate Cancer Study
This dataset, BloodStorageProstate_df, is a data frame containing data on 316 men who underwent radical prostatectomy and received a transfusion during or within 30 days of the surgery. The dataset includes demographic, baseline, and prognostic factors, as well as data on the time to biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer, as indicated by prostate serum antigen (PSA) levels. The main exposure of interest was the red blood cell (RBC) storage duration group, and the outcome of interest was time to PSA cancer recurrence.
A data frame with 316 observations and 20 variables:
- RBC.Age.Group
Age group of red blood cells (numeric).
- Median.RBC.Age
Median age of red blood cells (numeric).
- Age
Patient's age (numeric).
- AA
African American status (numeric).
- FamHx
Family history of prostate cancer (numeric).
- PVol
Prostate volume (numeric).
- TVol
Tumor volume (numeric).
- T.Stage
Tumor stage (numeric).
- bGS
Biopsy grade score (numeric).
- BN+
Bone metastasis status (numeric).
- OrganConfined
Organ confinement status (numeric).
- PreopPSA
Preoperative prostate serum antigen level (numeric).
- PreopTherapy
Preoperative therapy received (numeric).
- Units
Number of blood transfusion units (numeric).
- sGS
Surgical Gleason score (numeric).
- AnyAdjTherapy
Any adjuvant therapy received (numeric).
- AdjRadTherapy
Adjuvant radiation therapy received (numeric).
- Recurrence
Cancer recurrence status (numeric).
- Censor
Censoring status (numeric).
- TimeToRecurrence
Time to biochemical recurrence in months (numeric).
Data taken from the medicaldata package. Cata et al. (2011). *Blood Storage Duration and Biochemical Recurrence of Cancer after Radical Prostatectomy*. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 86(2), 120–127.
The dataset name has been kept as 'BloodStorageProstate_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the OncoDataSets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix '_df' indicates that the dataset is a data frame. The original content has not been modified in any way.