This dataset, BreastCancerWI_df, is a data frame containing diagnostic information for 569 patients with breast cancer. The data includes features computed from digitized images of fine needle aspirates (FNA) of breast masses, as well as a diagnosis label indicating whether the mass is malignant or benign.
A data frame with 569 observations and 31 variables:
- diagnosis
Diagnosis of the breast mass: malignant or benign (factor with 2 levels).
- radius_mean
Mean radius of the mass (numeric).
- texture_mean
Mean texture of the mass (numeric).
- perimeter_mean
Mean perimeter of the mass (numeric).
- area_mean
Mean area of the mass (numeric).
- smoothness_mean
Mean smoothness of the mass (numeric).
- compactness_mean
Mean compactness of the mass (numeric).
- concavity_mean
Mean concavity of the mass (numeric).
- concave_points_mean
Mean number of concave points on the mass contour (numeric).
- symmetry_mean
Mean symmetry of the mass (numeric).
- fractal_dimension_mean
Mean fractal dimension of the mass (numeric).
- radius_sd
Standard deviation of the radius (numeric).
- texture_sd
Standard deviation of the texture (numeric).
- perimeter_sd
Standard deviation of the perimeter (numeric).
- area_sd
Standard deviation of the area (numeric).
- smoothness_sd
Standard deviation of the smoothness (numeric).
- compactness_sd
Standard deviation of the compactness (numeric).
- concavity_sd
Standard deviation of the concavity (numeric).
- concave_points_sd
Standard deviation of the number of concave points (numeric).
- symmetry_sd
Standard deviation of the symmetry (numeric).
- fractal_dimension_sd
Standard deviation of the fractal dimension (numeric).
- radius_peak
Worst (peak) value of the radius (numeric).
- texture_peak
Worst (peak) value of the texture (numeric).
- perimeter_peak
Worst (peak) value of the perimeter (numeric).
- area_peak
Worst (peak) value of the area (numeric).
- smoothness_peak
Worst (peak) value of the smoothness (numeric).
- compactness_peak
Worst (peak) value of the compactness (numeric).
- concavity_peak
Worst (peak) value of the concavity (numeric).
- concave_points_peak
Worst (peak) number of concave points (numeric).
- symmetry_peak
Worst (peak) value of the symmetry (numeric).
- fractal_dimension_peak
Worst (peak) value of the fractal dimension (numeric).
Data taken from the cases package. Original documentation available at:
The dataset name has been kept as 'BreastCancerWI_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the OncoDataSets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The original content has not been modified in any way.