This dataset, ICGCLiver_df, is a data frame containing liver cancer data from Japan, released by the ICGC database. The dataset includes survival time, event status, and expression levels for four genes (ANLN, CENPA, GPR182, and BCO2).
A data frame with 232 observations and 6 variables:
- time
Survival time (numeric).
- status
Event status (1 = event occurred, 0 = censored) (integer).
Expression level of the ANLN gene (numeric).
Expression level of the CENPA gene (numeric).
- GPR182
Expression level of the GPR182 gene (numeric).
- BCO2
Expression level of the BCO2 gene (numeric).
Data taken from the ggrisk package. ICGC (International Cancer Genome Consortium) database. Liver cancer data from Japan.
The dataset name has been kept as 'ICGCLiver_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the OncoDataSets package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix '_df' indicates that the dataset is a data frame. The original content has not been modified in any way.