The dataset name has been changed to 'ames_tbl_df' to avoid confusion with other packages in the R ecosystem from which datasets have been sourced. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the 'usdatasets' package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'tbl_df' identifies the dataset as a tibble. The original content of the dataset has not been modified in any way.
A tibble with 2,930 observations and 82 variables:
- Order
Row number in the dataset.
Parcel Identifier.
- area
Total house area in square feet.
- price
Sale price of the house.
- MS.SubClass
Building class type.
- MS.Zoning
Zoning classification of the property.
- Lot.Frontage
Lot frontage length in feet.
- Lot.Area
Total lot area in square feet.
- Street
Street type access to the property.
- Alley
Alley type access.
- Lot.Shape
Shape of the lot.
- Land.Contour
Land contour around the property.
- Utilities
Availability of utilities.
- Lot.Config
Lot configuration.
- Land.Slope
Slope of the land.
- Neighborhood
Neighborhood in Ames.
- Condition.1
Proximity to main conditions like railroads.
- Condition.2
Proximity to secondary conditions.
- Bldg.Type
Type of building.
- House.Style
Architectural style of the house.
- Overall.Qual
Overall quality of the materials and finish.
- Overall.Cond
Overall condition of the house.
- Year.Built
Year the house was built.
- Year.Remod.Add
Year of the last remodel or addition.
- Roof.Style
Roof style.
- Roof.Matl
Roof material.
- Exterior.1st
Primary exterior material.
- Exterior.2nd
Secondary exterior material.
- Mas.Vnr.Type
Masonry veneer type.
- Mas.Vnr.Area
Masonry veneer area in square feet.
- Exter.Qual
Exterior material quality.
- Exter.Cond
Condition of the exterior material.
- Foundation
Type of foundation.
- Bsmt.Qual
Basement quality.
- Bsmt.Cond
Basement condition.
- Bsmt.Exposure
Basement exposure to the outside.
- BsmtFin.Type.1
Type 1 of finished basement.
- BsmtFin.SF.1
Square feet of finished basement type 1.
- BsmtFin.Type.2
Type 2 of finished basement.
- BsmtFin.SF.2
Square feet of finished basement type 2.
- Bsmt.Unf.SF
Unfinished basement area in square feet.
- Total.Bsmt.SF
Total basement area in square feet.
- Heating
Type of heating system.
- Heating.QC
Heating system quality.
- Central.Air
Presence of central air conditioning.
- Electrical
Type of electrical system.
- X1st.Flr.SF
First floor area in square feet.
- X2nd.Flr.SF
Second floor area in square feet.
- Low.Qual.Fin.SF
Low-quality finished area in square feet.
- Bsmt.Full.Bath
Number of full bathrooms in the basement.
- Bsmt.Half.Bath
Number of half bathrooms in the basement.
- Full.Bath
Number of full bathrooms above ground.
- Half.Bath
Number of half bathrooms above ground.
- Bedroom.AbvGr
Number of bedrooms above ground.
- Kitchen.AbvGr
Number of kitchens above ground.
- Kitchen.Qual
Kitchen quality.
- TotRms.AbvGrd
Total number of rooms above ground.
- Functional
Functionality of the house.
- Fireplaces
Number of fireplaces.
- Fireplace.Qu
Fireplace quality.
- Garage.Type
Type of garage.
- Garage.Yr.Blt
Year the garage was built.
- Garage.Finish
Garage finish type.
- Garage.Cars
Number of cars the garage can accommodate.
- Garage.Area
Garage area in square feet.
- Garage.Qual
Garage quality.
- Garage.Cond
Garage condition.
- Paved.Drive
Indicates whether the driveway is paved.
- Wood.Deck.SF
Wood deck area in square feet.
- Open.Porch.SF
Open porch area in square feet.
- Enclosed.Porch
Enclosed porch area in square feet.
- X3Ssn.Porch
Three-season porch area in square feet.
- Screen.Porch
Screened porch area in square feet.
- Pool.Area
Pool area in square feet.
- Pool.QC
Pool quality.
- Fence
Type of fence.
- Misc.Feature
Miscellaneous features of the property.
- Misc.Val
Value of miscellaneous features.
- Mo.Sold
Month the house was sold.
- Yr.Sold
Year the house was sold.
- Sale.Type
Type of sale.
- Sale.Condition
Condition of the sale.