The dataset name has been changed to 'oscars_tbl_df' to avoid confusion with other packages in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the 'usdatasets' package and identifies it as a tibble. The original content of the dataset has not been modified.
A tibble with 184 observations and 11 variables:
- oscar_no
Numeric indicating the Oscar number.
- oscar_yr
Numeric representing the year the Oscar was awarded.
- award
Character string indicating the category of the award.
- name
Character string with the name of the recipient.
- movie
Character string indicating the movie for which the award was given.
- age
Numeric indicating the age of the recipient at the time of the award.
- birth_pl
Character string indicating the birthplace of the recipient.
- birth_date
Date representing the birthdate of the recipient.
- birth_mo
Numeric indicating the birth month.
- birth_d
Numeric indicating the birth day.
- birth_y
Numeric indicating the birth year.