The dataset name has been changed to 'sp500_tbl_df' to avoid confusion with other packages in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the 'usdatasets' package and identifies it as a tibble. The original content of the dataset has not been modified.
A tibble with 50 observations and 12 variables:
- stock
Factor indicating the stock ticker symbol of the company.
- market_cap
Numeric representing the market capitalization of the company.
- ent_value
Numeric representing the enterprise value of the company.
- trail_pe
Numeric representing the trailing price-to-earnings ratio.
- forward_pe
Numeric representing the forward price-to-earnings ratio.
- ev_over_rev
Numeric representing the enterprise value to revenue ratio.
- profit_margin
Numeric representing the profit margin of the company.
- revenue
Numeric representing the total revenue generated by the company.
- growth
Numeric representing the growth rate of the company.
- earn_before
Numeric representing the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).
- cash
Numeric representing the cash holdings of the company.
- debt
Numeric representing the total debt of the company.