Effects of Open Education Reported by Hedges and Olkin (1985)
This dataset, HedgesOlkin85_df, is a data frame containing data from Hedges and Olkin's 1985 study on the effects of open education. The dataset includes variables related to attitudes toward school and reading achievement in students, based on the meta-analysis reported in their work. This data was used to investigate the effects of open education.
A data frame with 4 observations and 6 variables:
- study
Study identifier (numeric).
- d_att
Effect size for attitude toward school (numeric).
- d_ach
Effect size for reading achievement (numeric).
- var_att
Variance of the attitude effect size (numeric).
- cov_att_ach
Covariance between attitude and achievement (numeric).
- var_ach
Variance of the achievement effect size (numeric).
The dataset name has been kept as 'HedgesOlkin85_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets in the R ecosystem. This naming convention helps distinguish this dataset as part of the educationR package and assists users in identifying its specific characteristics. The suffix 'df' indicates that the dataset is a data frame. The original content has not been modified in any way.