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The MedDataSets package provides a comprehensive collection of datasets related to medicine, diseases, treatments, drugs, and public health. This package covers key topics such as drug effectiveness, vaccine trials, survival rates, infectious disease outbreaks, and medical treatments.


The MedDataSets package includes datasets from various fields of medical research, ranging from clinical trials to public health data. Each dataset in this package is identified with a suffix to indicate its format or structure, such as time series (_ts), tibble (_tbl), or data frame (_df).


You can install the MedDataSets package from CRAN with the following R function:



To use the datasets provided by the MedDataSets package:


# Load a dataset

# View the dataset

Example Datasets

Here are a few of the datasets included in the MedDataSets package:

malaria_tbl_df: A tibble containing vaccine trial data about Malaria.

anorexia_df: A data frame covering Anorexia Data on Weight Change.

fdeaths_ts: A time series on Monthly Deaths Lung Diseases in the UK (Females)