The dataset name has been changed to 'Aids2_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets from packages in the R ecosystem and to follow the naming conventions of the 'MedDataSets' package. The suffix '_df' indicates that this dataset is a data frame, helping to distinguish it from other datasets within the package and from those in the broader R ecosystem. The original content of the dataset has not been modified in any way.
A data frame with 2843 observations and 7 variables:
- state
A factor indicating the state of residence of the patient (4 levels).
- sex
A factor indicating the sex of the patient (2 levels).
- diag
An integer indicating the year of diagnosis.
- death
An integer indicating the year of death.
- status
A factor indicating the status of the patient (2 levels: alive or deceased).
- T.categ
A factor indicating the T-cell category of the patient (8 levels).
- age
An integer indicating the age of the patient at diagnosis.