The dataset name has been changed to 'Pima_tr2_df' to avoid confusion with other datasets from packages in the R ecosystem and to follow the naming conventions of the 'MedDataSets' package. The suffix '_df' indicates that this dataset is a data frame, helping to distinguish it from other datasets within the package and from those in the broader R ecosystem. The original content of the dataset has not been modified in any way.
A data frame with 300 observations and 8 variables:
- npreg
An integer representing the number of pregnancies.
- glu
An integer indicating the plasma glucose concentration (mg/dL) 2 hours after an oral glucose tolerance test.
- bp
An integer representing the diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg).
- skin
An integer indicating the skin thickness (mm).
- bmi
A numeric value indicating the body mass index (BMI).
- ped
A numeric value representing the diabetes pedigree function.
- age
An integer indicating the age of the individual (in years).
- type
A factor indicating whether the individual has diabetes (1) or not (0).